Since last August, A.O. Wagner Construction has been executing a major project in Wildwood that involves the expansion of a concrete yard for a large site. The project entailed adding five acres of concrete lay down yard and a 21,000-square-foot metal building roof structure. We’ll also be adding new lighting and Wi-Fi throughout the yard. This will allow the facility’s scanning system to search inventory and keep counts updated and accurate.
Previously, we’ve completed grading of the site and installation of a storm water system. We also planted new foliage at the site to mitigate the removal of existing trees for the expansion. This included 211 crape myrtles, 166 live oaks, and 238 Podocarpus hedges, as well as 3 acres of sod.
Now, we have a new update for you on our progress with this project. These new aerial shots show 4.25 acres of concrete storage yard finished. (We’re so close to completing all 5!) It also shows the 21,000-square-foot metal building we will be installing as a shed structure. The building has been delivered, and we’re ready for foundations to be poured. Check out the pictures below.

We’ve been working on this project in North Central for several months now, and our progress continues to be steady. With most of the concrete yard finished and the metal building ready to be built, the end of this project is finally in sight. No matter how big the job or the industry you’re in, you can trust A.O. Wagner Construction to get it done right, and get it done promptly. Contact us to learn more!
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